Beta! It’s totally real…

Beta! It’s totally real…


After entering Early Access in December last year, and many iterations in the last seven months, we’re ready to call this thing a Beta build.

“Beta” can be a slippery word so here’s what WE mean by “Beta”
* We’re working on bugs
* We’re working on performance
* We’re working on controls
* No more features are being added (yet)
* No more content is being added (yet)

If you’ve been lurking and hanging out, now is a good time to buy. We want, nay, we NEED your feedback to find every bug, glitch, and sneaking vermin before we go full release. As a motivation all Early Access purchases will be counted as full Season Passes when we go live which will get all three acts of The Scout when they release for the price of one. But this offer is only good until we release in full. After that – it’s one episode at time for you boyo!
…If you’re already in the EA group – you’re already included in this deal. 🙂 

What We’ve Been Up To:

If you are the proud owner of this game already but haven’t played the build in a while, we’d like to invite you to take a look. The core levels have been polished and finalized, voice overs have been added, and every day more and more bugs are removed! After a warm reception at Portland’s own Game Developers Conference, we are proud to call this game nearly complete.

Just A Taste Of The Newest Material:

-Hours of professional Voice Overs
-Updated Art
-Polished Quests
-NPC group mechanic
-Smarter, Deadlier Rats
-Faster Ladders
-Updated Lighting
-Smoother FPS and Much Optimization

What You Can Look Forward To In Future Updates:

-Animated Cinematic
-Polished Animations
-Reworked Dialog System
-New Mini-Levels with a Verminous Focus 
-An In-Depth Cooking System
-New Ingredients
-More Lore
-Polished End-Level Records Screen
-Polished Save System
-Refined Scent Trails
-And more 🙂 

Thank you for your support, your patience, and your enthusiasm! We look foward to hearing from you! 
